Struggling to achieve your goals? Maybe your comfort zone is the reason.

We all have high aspirations. However, it can be hard to turn those dreams and goals into a reality. The truth is many of us struggle to reach our goals. The reason frequently involves our apprehension about step out of our comfort zone.It’s true that nothing ever happens in our comfort zone. It’s the place that keeps us in the “someday” mode of pushing our goals to the side until the time is right, for another day or when you have more skills, money, and time.

Unfortunately, “someday” never happens. Eventually the life you dreamed of becomes a memory, a wish-I-would-have thought. Our fear of trying something different, putting ourselves out there and going for it keeps us from taking action. We let our comfort zone keep us safe.

The comfort zone is a place where routines and habits are established, and there's little stress or anxiety. While being in your comfort zone can provide a sense of security, it can also hinder personal growth and prevent you fr…

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Say No To Busy Work

Busy work is a thief that steals your productivity without your knowledge. You get to the end of your day and you haven’t made any real progress on your goals. Maybe you re-organized your desk or updated your blog. But you haven’t done anything to will truly help you build your business.

“I believe busy work is the product of a dated culture that based performance on how much time you spent at work rather than the quality of that work.” - Shane Green, President of SGEi.

Busy Work = Urgent

The important thing to understand about busy work is that feels urgent. However, busy work never adds value to your business. An example of busy work would be checking your social media accounts the second your phone dings. Doing this makes you feel productive even though you aren’t.

In order to say no to busy work, you have to be willing to say ‘no’ to seemingly urgent tasks. For example, if you’re working on a client …

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How to Develop the Courage to Lead

It takes courage to be a leader, but even if you have fears that have kept you from leadership roles so far doesn’t mean that you can’t overcome them and achieve positions of leadership.

Each decision you make in your personal and business life is a testament to your courage. Something as simple as refusing a rich dessert because you want to stay fit takes a certain amount of courage if you have gnawing cravings for sugar.

Other decisions you must make may be monumental and require the courage of a lion. A decision to quit a high-paying job to follow your life’s dream is a major decision that takes courage – and planning. And, some decisions may seem unimportant in the moment, but later you may see that they were life-changing.

Courage promotes confidence and self-esteem and builds a framework in which you can accomplish pretty much anything you set out to do. Think of the genius, Stephen Hawking, and how much he overcame to become one of the l…

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Mind Mapping to Assess Your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

When it comes to your business, you need to be as innovative, productive, and forward moving as possible. There are many tools that you can utilize in order to be as creative as possible. Mind mapping is one of those tools.

First, let’s examine what mind mapping is. Mind mapping is a way of brainstorming on paper. It is extremely beneficial as it is a visual tool that stimulates creative thinking preparing you to organize, evaluate, and analyze data you create for your business ideas. It is sort of like brainstorming with yourself on paper.

To begin with, you place a key word in the center of the paper that is a sort of main character in the mind mapping system. Next, you branch out ideas from that internal word and continue to branch out new words in a circle around that original word or theme.

It is similar to choosing a theme and several subthemes or topics and subtopics. The more you extend the circles and branch them out, the more creative…

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Keep Moving Forward

The world is splitting apart, and young Eep is running toward a new, adventurous life. Every step she takes is perilous and fraught with danger as the earth crumbles all around her. Behind her is the dark cave she’s always called home. Ahead of her is tropical beach that’s just out of reach. Her father shouts, “Don’t go! It’s too dangerous! Listen to your fears!” Meanwhile her new friend, Guy, runs alongside her, telling her, “Keep going. I believe in you. You can do this.”This, of course, simply paraphrases a scene from the children’s movie “The Croods,” but it holds profound truth for us all. 

Inside your mind lives the voice of a protective authority figure who wants you to play it safe. You also have an adventurous champion who wants you to go for it. The difference between your life in a dark, musty cave and your life in a lush island paradise is your willingness to keep moving forward. 

Here are 3 tricks you can use RIGHT NOW to become as…

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What Motivates People to Pass Content On?

If you know what motivates people to pass your content on, you have a much better chance of getting them to keep doing so in the future. Why is it that people are willing to continually pass on content from certain sites to friends, while not at all for other sites? These are some of the main factors in play when it comes to why people pass on certain pieces of content. Thinking Emotionally Rather Than Logically Really great marketing gets people to take action by having them think emotionally rather than logically. For example, if a video gets someone really shocked and outraged about some political position, they might post that video on their Facebook wall without necessarily double-checking any of the facts in the video. It wasn't necessarily that the video presented shocking facts, but the fact that they managed to get the watcher in an outraged emotional stage. If you can get your content to really get people fired up, they'll often be much more willing to pass it o…
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Setting Realistic Goals

You must be realistic and honest with yourself. If you set goals that you can't possibly reach, you are setting yourself up for failure. You will make yourself frustrated and unhappy. The key here is a realistic and honest assessment of your potential. Although most people will be unnecessarily harsh in their assessments, it is easy to become too hopeful when you start breaking down barriers. If, for instance, you're extremely interested in and fond of music and would love to be a singer, it would be unreasonable to set a singing career as your goal if you can't sing a note (some talents are inborn). But if you are knowledgeable about the music business and would be happy being involved in some other capacity, then it would be reasonable to pursue a career in the business. Be wary of making otherwise perfectly reasonable goals unattainable because of stringent time frames. When you set a goal, you will most likely set times for achieving certain steps along your way to achievi…
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4 Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing What Goals to Pursue

If you’ve embraced the wonderful practice of setting goals for yourself, kudos to you—but a new challenge can often arise when we start picking too many goals. Here’s a way to sift through the stars and find which ones to reach for.

Think about the biggest picture possible. Sit down for a little reflection, journaling, and exploration of who you are as a person and what matters to you. Try making a list of your ten most important values. Once you’ve done that, think about what you want more than anything else in life, and write that down.

Keep it short, sweet, and to the point, in one sentence—no more. You’ll be amazed about how having clarity on the big picture will help you sort through your goals and find the ones that matter.

Think about your budget and compromise accordingly. When it comes to goal setting, it’s important to think about the constraints you face and be realistic. If you’re holding down a nine-to-five gig within the median salary range…
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The Secrets to Success … Just Ask!

Most of the great leaders and successful business people in the world were looked up to and admired because they attained something many aspire to and maybe never achieve.  I believe it is because they were good at asking questions! Inventors would never invent things if they didn’t ask questions. 

A simple example is the wheel.  I can imagine two Neanderthals sitting around thinking, “gee I would love to visit Ugh, but he lives so far away.”  And his friend says to him, “it wouldn’t be so bad if we had something to get us to his place quicker!”  They had already tried riding the backs of dinosaurs and that didn’t’ work.  Have you ever tried to tell a dinosaur where to go?  Those big lugs don’t like taking orders from anyone! 

Hence the question, what could we invent to get us from point A to point B in faster and safer? Some sort of transportation device is my guess.  And instead of riding on the back of a di…

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Scale-up Your Business’s Bottom Line With Eco-friendly Processes

With such a steep rise in the levels of air, water, and noise pollution over the years, experts worldwide are all thumbs up for “green” living. Even businesses are making the necessary strategies towards becoming more sustainable. But, unlike the popular beliefs, choosing eco-friendly business processes is not only helping the environment, but it’s also enhancing the productivity, efficiency, and reducing the overall cost of running an enterprise. 

Most importantly, it’s transforming the brand perception in the eyes of consumers. If you are new to this term, here are a few suggestions you can implement to turn your company into more eco-friendly. 

Start With The Obvious- Go For Alternative Energy Resources 

A penny saved is a penny earned- Benjamin Franklin.

If you want to be a part of the “green wave,” you can start by saving money on your overall energy costs. You can either opt for solar panels or use the resources that las…

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Setting Realistic Goals

You must be realistic and honest with yourself. If you set goals that you can't possibly reach, you are setting yourself up for failure. You will make yourself frustrated and unhappy. The key here is a realistic and honest assessment of your potential. Although most people will be unnecessarily harsh in their assessments, it is easy to become too hopeful when you start breaking down barriers. If, for instance, you're extremely interested in and fond of music and would love to be a singer, it would be unreasonable to set a singing career as your goal if you can't sing a note (some talents are inborn). But if you are knowledgeable about the music business and would be happy to be involved in some other capacity, then it would be reasonable to pursue a career in the business. Be wary of making otherwise perfectly reasonable goals unattainable because of stringent time frames. When you set a goal, you will most likely set times for achieving certain steps along your way to achievi…
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