Stop Worrying About What People Think

Do you find yourself constantly doubting your decisions? Are you fretting over other people’s reactions to your actions or opinions?

In this post, we’ll share some tips and tricks to help you stop worrying about what people think of you. Learn how to use constructive criticism to your advantage. Then, simply filter out any negative judgment.

This will leave you less anxious and less overwhelmed. As a result, you can stay more focused on yourself and the best ways to achieve your goals.

Let’s get started.

Are People’s Opinions Holding You Back?

Worrying about what others think and feel about you is a normal part of our DNA. We’re programmed to seek others’ approval.

Studies show there’s a reward center that’s activated when we’re given a compliment. Even if you just sense other people’s recognition of your hard work, your brains fire up those same reward centers.

So, we feel good about ourselves when we’re accept…

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6 Reasons Why You Should Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care refers to any activity that we engage in to maintain and nourish our health, including mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. While it may seem like an obvious concept, self-care often gets cast aside for more pressing priorities such as work, family and the everyday pressures of life. There are many reasons why you should prioritise self-care and we’ve listed six of the most important below.

Improves moodInvesting time in your own care can have a major impact on your mood, leading to greater optimism and positivity. It will help you to feel happier, more satisfied and better able to cope with the challenges that life throws you way. Even taking a small amount of time per week to nurture your physical, emotional and mental health can be hugely beneficial on your mood.Helps relationshipsSelf-care helps you to be the best person you can be, which in turn as a positive impact on your relationships. Taking regular time to invest in your personal health allow…
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4 Positive Benefits to Trying New Things

What does it mean to try something new? For some, it may mean learning a new sport. For others, it could be trying a new food. Whatever it means to you, the principle is the same for everyone: Trying new things opens your world, eyes, and heart to new possibilities, and that’s a great thing. That’s the overarching benefit of trying new things, but here are four other specific benefits.

Growth Comes from New

When you step out of your comfort zone and into the wilderness of the unknown, a crazy thing happens. You learn and grow as an individual. It may not always be easy or comfortable, but it certainly will expand your mind and make you aware of the possibilities life has to offer – whether that be something thematic like your personality or something smaller like picking up a pair of rollerblades.

Courage Boost

Courage is defined as the ability to do something that frightens you. Chances are, you may be a little frightened by the idea of trying som…

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Keep Moving Forward

The world is splitting apart, and young Eep is running toward a new, adventurous life. Every step she takes is perilous and fraught with danger as the earth crumbles all around her. Behind her is the dark cave she’s always called home. Ahead of her is tropical beach that’s just out of reach. Her father shouts, “Don’t go! It’s too dangerous! Listen to your fears!” Meanwhile her new friend, Guy, runs alongside her, telling her, “Keep going. I believe in you. You can do this.”This, of course, simply paraphrases a scene from the children’s movie “The Croods,” but it holds profound truth for us all. 

Inside your mind lives the voice of a protective authority figure who wants you to play it safe. You also have an adventurous champion who wants you to go for it. The difference between your life in a dark, musty cave and your life in a lush island paradise is your willingness to keep moving forward. 

Here are 3 tricks you can use RIGHT NOW to become as…

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All of us have great skills and abilities that we have been born with or that have come to us very naturally. Some people tap into these talents and use them to create exciting opportunity in their lives. Many people, however, never fully express themselves and their own capabilities and they pay a great price for it.

Take a close look at anyone who has suppressed themselves in at least one area of their life. They had a talent of some sort but decided not to pursue it any longer for one reason or another; failure, ridicule, pain and so on. In essence, they gave up on a dream.

What you will notice is that people who have gone through this kind of experience tend to carry some kind of burden with them. There is a part of them that always wonders what might have been if they had not given up on their dream. The entire dilemma has been caused by one root issue and it debilitates huge numbers of people all of the time. That issue is self doubt.


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Choosing Your Happiness

Are you happy?

No really, I’m serious. Can you say with 100% certainty that you’re TRULY HAPPY? Or are you like most other people, just getting by? Are you waiting for the end of your day so you can slump home, veg in front of the t.v., and forget about work? Are you working toward some fuzzy, future goal in the hopes of one day finding fulfillment?

We’ve all been there. At some point or another, we’ve all hit a rhythm of trudging along, head down, getting through it. But some of us stay in that trench for far too long.

However, that’s just one story. You can choose to write a new one in which you’re bright-eyed, enthused about life and fulfilled by your endeavors.

Here are 3 easy ways you can leave the grey days behind and live a much happier life.

1.   Define Your Happiness

What brings you joy? Is it being in good physical condition? Does falling in love do it for you? How about beautiful adventures in exotic locat…

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4 Self-Care Tips For Extra Busy Women

Finding time to invest in self-care can be challenging, especially when you live an extra busy life. When your days are spent bouncing between work, family and social commitments, there can be little time left to catch your breath let alone take time to care for your physical, mental and emotional health. If you are struggling to find time left for self-care, try these four tips to incorporate good self-care habits in your routine.

Establish a morning routineStarting the day right is a good way to ensure your mental and physical health is maintained. This might include a healthy breakfast, daily exercise or meditation; figure out what works for you and implement it daily. Over time this will become a habit, helping you to take some time for self-care every day.Schedule time offIt can be easy to find yourself in a cycle of continuous activity, moving from one activity to the next until it seems you are just going through the motions. Make sure you don’t get lost in th…
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6 Tips for Finding Optimism

Optimism…it’s a four syllable word that can be harder to find than diamonds in South Africa. But believe it or not, you too can tap into the earth of your surroundings and dig up a rich store of feel-good. Here are a few ways to do that.

1: Find laughter. These days, it isn’t hard to find. With Youtube and social media, there is not shortage of memes, videos, stories, and more to get you crackalackin. You could also rent a funny movie, watch stand up comedy, or hangout with funny people. Laughter will lead you to smiling, and smiling will lead you to feeling good. Which brings us to our next point…

2: Turn the frown upside down. It’s hard to believe that something as smiling can improve your mood, but studies have linked outward acts of happiness to an internal shift. Practice by looking in the mirror and smiling, even it if feels cheesy, stupid, and inauthentic. Hold your smile for a minute, two minutes, five minutes…see how long you can go. Start the d…

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Making Time for You – What Mompreneurs Need to Know

You are busy at both work and at home. Some days it may seem impossible to find time for YOU. You may wonder how other busy Mom Entrepreneurs make time for themselves, but you don’t have time to stop and ask. Here are four quick tips: If it’s too late and you are already stressed… 1. Take a break. Have you ever been overwhelmed and feel you can’t stop for fear you will fall further behind? When you’re in a high-stress situation, your thinking is often cluttered making you less productive. Michele Dortch, The Integrated Mother, suggests that you take a break when you become stressed. Whether you choose a 15-minute nature walk or a full day doing activities you love, stopping can actually provide amazing clarity and help you complete your tasks on time. This may seem counterproductive, but it really works! To prevent going on overload, try the following tips on a regular basis… 2. Take time out to socialize each week. Alice Seba of Mom Masterminds advises taking tim…
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Focus on Your Potential

If you want to make more of your talents - live up to your full potential - you have to learn to use them. You have the power to change your habits - to acquire new skills and fully use the skills you now have. You can improve your performance, your productivity, and the quality of your whole life. What makes a high achiever? Is it luck, intelligence, talent, dedication? All of these things figure in - they all make a difference. But we all know intelligent, talented, hard-working people who do not consider themselves very successful or even happy. And we know people who are not exceptionally bright but seem happy and successful. So there must be something else, some secret to success. Actually there are several secrets to achieving your peak performance - living up to your full potential. Your success at business, friendship, love, sports - just about anything you try - is largely determined by your own self-image. Your unhappiness is something you choose. So, you're thinki…
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Just how do you beat procrastination?

The first step in beating procrastination is to admit to yourself how often you do it and assessing your methods of doing it. Not very difficult, really, when you become aware of the tactics some of us use to hide from ourselves what we are doing. The key in overcoming procrastination and becoming more efficient is organization. Plan ahead. Know what you want to accomplish today, this week, and in the long haul. Make lists. The lists for today will probably be more detailed than the longer-term lists. That's OK. Now look over the lists and rank the tasks in order of importance. Make three or four groupings based on importance. Within each group, star the things you least like to do. Each day you will have a "today" list to work on. Tackle the tasks that are most important first. If you have several "most important" tasks on your list, take on the least liked things in that grouping before you do the better liked ones. When you have accomplished a task, check it off. You'll…
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It’s a Balancing Act – Its Still a Challenge

Today's woman faces more challenges that women in past generations didn’t face. These challenges include balancing children and work, making time for yourself, making time for your partner, dealing with the responsibilities of running a household... The list goes on an on. And even though today's partner may contribute money and time to getting things done, for some reason women tend to carry a heavy weight on their shoulders, especially when we have children.  And if we don't have a husband, wife or significant other we may still find it difficult to juggle so many responsibilities. That often results in women feeling that they’re falling short at all times, which in turn can lead to unhappiness and even poor health. So how do we take back control as women entrepreneurs and stop ourselves from coming up “short” all the time? Here are a few tips to help you stay sane and avoid these negative feelings: #1 – Avoid Supermom Syndrome – There’s a negative trend in our…
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