Struggling to achieve your goals? Maybe your comfort zone is the reason.

We all have high aspirations. However, it can be hard to turn those dreams and goals into a reality. The truth is many of us struggle to reach our goals. The reason frequently involves our apprehension about step out of our comfort zone.It’s true that nothing ever happens in our comfort zone. It’s the place that keeps us in the “someday” mode of pushing our goals to the side until the time is right, for another day or when you have more skills, money, and time.

Unfortunately, “someday” never happens. Eventually the life you dreamed of becomes a memory, a wish-I-would-have thought. Our fear of trying something different, putting ourselves out there and going for it keeps us from taking action. We let our comfort zone keep us safe.

The comfort zone is a place where routines and habits are established, and there's little stress or anxiety. While being in your comfort zone can provide a sense of security, it can also hinder personal growth and prevent you fr…

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Mind Mapping to Assess Your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

When it comes to your business, you need to be as innovative, productive, and forward moving as possible. There are many tools that you can utilize in order to be as creative as possible. Mind mapping is one of those tools.

First, let’s examine what mind mapping is. Mind mapping is a way of brainstorming on paper. It is extremely beneficial as it is a visual tool that stimulates creative thinking preparing you to organize, evaluate, and analyze data you create for your business ideas. It is sort of like brainstorming with yourself on paper.

To begin with, you place a key word in the center of the paper that is a sort of main character in the mind mapping system. Next, you branch out ideas from that internal word and continue to branch out new words in a circle around that original word or theme.

It is similar to choosing a theme and several subthemes or topics and subtopics. The more you extend the circles and branch them out, the more creative…

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Want to Stop the Endless Rollercoaster Ride? A Life Coach Can Help

Many people feel that they are going through a rollercoaster of life. There are big ups, downs, and days in between. They feel lost, hopeless, stuck, and unsure about how to get their spark back, so they can move in a direction that helps calm the ride and creates a sense of inner peace. Many people have turned to life coaches like Katie Sandler to give them the insight and guidance they desperately need.

“When you see others who seem to have it all together, don't assume they didn't have help or guidance to get there,” explains Katie Sandler, personal development and career coach. "Trying to figure it out on your own can be overwhelming. When you let someone else coach, it can be truly life-changing."

Sandler works with various people in personal and professional settings, helping them to become unstuck and learn to manage the seemingly endless rollercoaster ride of life. She does this in various ways, including helping people to focus on such things as…

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4 Positive Benefits to Trying New Things

What does it mean to try something new? For some, it may mean learning a new sport. For others, it could be trying a new food. Whatever it means to you, the principle is the same for everyone: Trying new things opens your world, eyes, and heart to new possibilities, and that’s a great thing. That’s the overarching benefit of trying new things, but here are four other specific benefits.

Growth Comes from New

When you step out of your comfort zone and into the wilderness of the unknown, a crazy thing happens. You learn and grow as an individual. It may not always be easy or comfortable, but it certainly will expand your mind and make you aware of the possibilities life has to offer – whether that be something thematic like your personality or something smaller like picking up a pair of rollerblades.

Courage Boost

Courage is defined as the ability to do something that frightens you. Chances are, you may be a little frightened by the idea of trying som…

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What Motivates People to Pass Content On?

If you know what motivates people to pass your content on, you have a much better chance of getting them to keep doing so in the future. Why is it that people are willing to continually pass on content from certain sites to friends, while not at all for other sites? These are some of the main factors in play when it comes to why people pass on certain pieces of content. Thinking Emotionally Rather Than Logically Really great marketing gets people to take action by having them think emotionally rather than logically. For example, if a video gets someone really shocked and outraged about some political position, they might post that video on their Facebook wall without necessarily double-checking any of the facts in the video. It wasn't necessarily that the video presented shocking facts, but the fact that they managed to get the watcher in an outraged emotional stage. If you can get your content to really get people fired up, they'll often be much more willing to pass it o…
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Learning to Trust Yourself More!

You may have a difficult time trusting yourself. Don’t despair. You are not alone. It is something that many people experience, and find difficult to overcome. When you lose trust in others, you start to lose trust in yourself.

To help you overcome this problem, you need to focus on key aspects of trust. The first is to have faith in your accomplishments. If you pass off your accomplishments as not being that important, when you need to rely on them, they won’t be there for you. That is sure to interrupt the process of trusting yourself.

You also need to trust your instincts. You won’t always be right, but you will be more often than not. An instinct is something you feel strongly about and does not come only from experiences. They come from something internal that no one can truly explain. It’s part of that inner voice that is telling you what to do. You need only listen. How many times have you said to yourself that you should have listened to your ins…

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Use Journaling to Relieve Stress at Bedtime

Stress comes from everywhere. Worries abound in all areas of life. Fretting about work, family, and obligations can become overwhelming. Running everything through your mind without an outlet for stress can make it hard to sleep. When you need to rest, your mind gets hyper focused on stressful things making it hard to fall asleep. During the day it can be easy to push worries down and think about other things but it’s much harder to distract ourselves when we are lying in bed trying to end our day.

There are a lot of ways to relieve stress and rid our minds of worries, one of the most effective is journaling. Journaling works because it

• Focuses your thoughts• Is a creative outlet• Gets thoughts out of your head• Creates an opportunity for problem solving

Journaling before bed can help reduce stress and make it easier to fall asleep. Here’s why-

Journaling helps you get a handle on your thoughts- Journaling helps you focus your thoug…

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6 Tips for Finding Optimism

Optimism…it’s a four syllable word that can be harder to find than diamonds in South Africa. But believe it or not, you too can tap into the earth of your surroundings and dig up a rich store of feel-good. Here are a few ways to do that.

1: Find laughter. These days, it isn’t hard to find. With Youtube and social media, there is not shortage of memes, videos, stories, and more to get you crackalackin. You could also rent a funny movie, watch stand up comedy, or hangout with funny people. Laughter will lead you to smiling, and smiling will lead you to feeling good. Which brings us to our next point…

2: Turn the frown upside down. It’s hard to believe that something as smiling can improve your mood, but studies have linked outward acts of happiness to an internal shift. Practice by looking in the mirror and smiling, even it if feels cheesy, stupid, and inauthentic. Hold your smile for a minute, two minutes, five minutes…see how long you can go. Start the d…

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Want to Read More? Set Reading Goals

Harper wanted to read more often. But she never seemed to have the time to do it. When the topic came up at her local PTA meeting, another mom passed along a few tips she’d learned that allowed her to read forty books a year or roughly 3.33 books a month. Here’s what she shared… Create a Daily Page Goal The first way to begin reading more is to set a daily page goal. In the beginning of your journey, start small. It’s good to aim for five to ten pages if you don’t regularly read as this will get you into the habit of picking up a book daily. As time goes on, you may find that you want to challenge yourself even more. You might set a new goal to read twenty, thirty, or even fifty pages a day. A good reading goal should stretch you but not overwhelm you. Choose a Reading Routine Besides knowing how much you’ll read, it can be helpful to know when in the day you’ll get your reading in. For example, you might decide that instead of checking your email on your phone i…
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