What Motivates People to Pass Content On?

If you know what motivates people to pass your content on, you have a much better chance of getting them to keep doing so in the future. Why is it that people are willing to continually pass on content from certain sites to friends, while not at all for other sites? These are some of the main factors in play when it comes to why people pass on certain pieces of content. Thinking Emotionally Rather Than Logically Really great marketing gets people to take action by having them think emotionally rather than logically. For example, if a video gets someone really shocked and outraged about some political position, they might post that video on their Facebook wall without necessarily double-checking any of the facts in the video. It wasn't necessarily that the video presented shocking facts, but the fact that they managed to get the watcher in an outraged emotional stage. If you can get your content to really get people fired up, they'll often be much more willing to pass it o…
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Three Marketing Strategies to Skyrocket Your Business

You have a website. You know you've nailed it with your sales copy. You have a variety of products. The only thing missing...  a steady flow of potential clients in your market. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? The truth is, though, marketing is the one thing that holds coaches just like you back from success. Maybe you don’t know where to begin, or perhaps you’re afraid of putting yourself out there, or maybe consistency is your biggest problem. Learn how to set the right goals for your business!  [bctt tweet="Marketing encompasses everything from who you are to who your ideal client is. A solid brand will instantly identify you no matter where you are." username="@HeidiRichards"] Whatever the case, if you want to grow your business, you must master marketing. Start with these proven strategies, and you’ll be well on your way to coaching stardom. Nail Your Brand Here’s the single most important part of any marketing plan—and one of the most difficult to pin down. I…
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Passive Income – How to Make Money Without Lifting a Finger

A lot of people don’t realize it, but there is a huge difference between passive and non-passive income. With non-passive income, the second you stop working, the money stops coming in. With passive, you can do whatever you want and the money keeps on coming. [bctt tweet="Most people have the “job mentality.” In other words, they believe you always have to work to make money." via="no"] Nothing could be further from the truth. Money is only half the equation. The other half is time. Somebody who is makes one hundred dollars a year and works eighty hours a week is much less powerful than someone who makes the same amount but only works four hours a week. This is because the second person has far more time to be able to spend their money. So passive income should be the goal. This will free up your so you can spend it living your dreams, instead of doing mandatory income-producing work. What’s the best passive income strategy? There are a number that work. Here are th…
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How Businesses Utilize Social Media to Connect

Chances are if you have been in business more than a day, you are using social med. And in fact, if you are getting ready to launch a new business, you are likely using it.  But are you using it correctly? If you're doing it right, social media is a good way to keep up with public opinion about your business and post regular updates about what's going on. Businesses tend to run the gamut between awesome social media strategy, poor media strategy, and no strategy at all and sometimes it feels like there are more ways to get it wrong than to get it right. If you follow some basic tips, though, you can nail that social media strategy in a way that engages customers in a positive way. Don't ever ignore social media. Whenever someone has a gripe about you and your business, they might tell everyone except you. However, an attentive social marketing strategist can quickly find out what people are saying about the business and respond to it. Coca-Cola is one company that…
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