At the Business Acceleration Summit, we go deep. We curate collaborations. We bring the most incredible business owners together from all over Florida and beyond. We stand for connection and shared vision. And, we hook you up with the most amazing mentors that will help you drive your business forward.
If you’re one of the hundreds of entrepreneurs who have attended previous summits … you know we mean business. At the same time, hold onto your hats! We’ve got some big surprises, a fun new direction, more interaction, and more getting-to-work on your business in store for you.
This is the heart & soul of the summit. We get you out of your seats in fun and structured networking activities, where the seeds to new partnerships are planted. For many past attendees, these seeds have bloomed into really exciting and lucrative projects. We want this for you!
Okay, we just have to brag about Brevard County for a moment. Seriously, the most amazing people show up to these events. In fact, we have people fly in from all over the country to be with us. Truly, it’s an honor. Passionate, heart-centered, creative, intuitive, highly-intelligent, game-changers — these are just a few of the words that come to mind. And, the commitment inside of this community to help each other out is unparalleled.If you have not experienced this yet, we invite you, with open arms, to come join the family!!
Shared Vision:
BAS’s big vision is to develop thriving business communities through collaboration. The mentors, speakers, and attendees that come together at our events all passionately share this same vision. The level of support, shared resources, masterminding, and desire to see each other succeed is the driving force that continues bringing this vision to light.
It takes a lot for a busy entrepreneur to step away from the office for 2-3 days. We get it! And, we value your time. That is why, we make sure you’re time at the summit is spent working ON your business. We give you the opportunity to start integrating what you’ve learned right on site! Attendees leave with ah-ha’s, next steps, and new collaboration potentials that they excitedly get to continue working on back in the office.
Social Initiatives:
We’re committed to:
Developing innovative social entrepreneurs. (We feature a non-profit or social mission at every summit. Usually our amazing attendees will step up and offer pro-bono services and/or cash donations to support these various causes. Amazing!)
Young Entrepreneur program for our future leaders. Do you know a budding entrepreneur, ages 12-25? Let’s fast-track their success! They can come learn with us … for free. Scholarship programs available.
Building a financial eco-system. Thriving small businesses are the backbone to our economy. We are committed to helping businesses not only survive, but thrive in our community.
Being the bridge that holds business, health, and family together. It’s all connected.
Our mission is to create conscious business partnerships through engaging purposeful events. Will you come play with this?
Together, we will shift how the world operates in the workplace!
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