The Organization for women with ideas whose time has come! Inventing Women is an organization and resource portal for women who want to take an idea from that first “spark” to market. It might be an idea for a new product, service, book or other tool that others will find of value. We are on the verge of an exciting time in HERstory. A time to create and leave your legacy for posterity. And Inventing Women is here to help!

There are many steps involved in getting an idea “off the ground” and into the hands it’s intended audience. The good news is that no matter where you are in the process, Inventing Women is here to help you.We are gathering tools, resources and experts in one place to help you succeed. If you have a product, service or idea the world has been waiting for, there has never been a better time to develop it!As an inventor, you undoubtedly know that having an idea is only the beginning. The road to getting your invention to market is a long and often disappointing one.If the statistics are correct, that 95% of all inventions are never fully realized either tangibly or financially, as an inventor, you have your work cut out for you!When you join Inventing Women you get instant access to 12 audio interviews with inventors and experts around the globe beginning with Protecting Your Idea.

You also receive “The Inventors Handbook” and dozens of additional resources to help you realize your dreams.

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