Empowering adults and children to value and image peace, to give language to peace, and to work together to promote, protect, and preserve a culture of peace for their families and in their communities
where families live, love, work, study, play, serve, and worship
in their neighborhood, their nation and our world.

“Peace can be defined and conceptualized as a PRESENCE, a presence of just and faithful relationships with oneself, with others within one’s family and community, with all others within and across national borders, with all of creation, and with a Spiritual Being, Wisdom Source, Higher Power, who both gives life and gives life meaning.”
Jacqueline Haessly, Weaving a Culture of Peace
Jacqueline Haessly
Jackie Haessly founder and president of Peacemaking Associates works as a peace education specialist, joyfully educating and empowering families, educators, students, religious, business, and community leaders to value, imagine, and act to preserve a culture of peace in all the dimensions of their lives — within the family, the community, and the world, wherever people live, love, work, study, serve, play, and worship. Her workshops and keynote addresses on Weaving a Culture of Peace, Imaging Peace, Spirituality and Peace, Respect for Diversity, Creative Responses to Conflict, and Cooperative Play have been presented to audiences in countries in both North and South America as well as in countries in both Africa and Europe.
Jacqueline brings more than forty years experience to her inspiring and thought-provoking classes, workshops, keynotes, business seminars, staff development workshops, and community education programs. Jackie has taught courses and offered workshops on peace and justice at Cardinal Stritch University, Marquette University, The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Edgewood College, The Union Institute College for Undergraduate Studies, the European Peace University, and the United Nations University for Peace. She also has presented keynotes and workshops for a variety of international organizations including the National Council on Family Relations, the Peace Education Association, the National Conference on Peace and Conflict Studies, Global Education Associates, Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, the World Business Academy, Pax Christi, Fellowship of Reconciliation, the International Association for Research on Mothering, and the International Institute for Peace through Tourism, among others. Jacqueline also has served as a consultant to local, national and international peace, justice, religious, education, family, community, government, and business organizations.
Jackie’s published works include Weaving a Culture of Peace (2002); Peacemaking: Family Activities For Justice And Peace, Vol. 1 (2011) and Vol. 2 (2012), and (1980); andLearning to Live Together (1988). Her work for families and educators is also included as chapters in Families As Educators For Global Citizenship (2002), Mothering Sons (2002), and Mothering Teens (1997). Her work for educators includes Imaging Peace: A Pedagogical Challenge for Educators; What Shall We Teach Our Children: Peace Education In The Classroom, and peace education curricula for both educators and students. Her work linking spiritual values for global justice with business life includes When the Canary Stops Singing: Women’s Perspectives on Transforming Business (1993); Rediscovering the Soul of Business: A Renaissance of Values (1995); The New Bottom Line: Bringing Heart and Soul Together (1996); Working Together: Producing Synergy by Honoring Diversity (1997), Tourism, Progress and Peace (2010), and Transformation and a Culture of Peace (2015), among others. Jackie also founded and edited Peacemaking for Children Magazine, which reached an international audience from 1983 to 1989. She also produced and edited a four-part video series, Peacemaking for Families, based on the Catholic Bishops’ Peace Pastoral of 1983. Her more recent work has focused on Franciscan Values and the Art and Act of Peacemaking.

Jackie earned her BS.Ed. and MS.Ed. in Education from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and her BA in Religious Studies and Broad-field Social Studies from Cardinal Stritch University. Her studies included an emphasis in peace and global awareness education from both UWM and Cardinal Stritch University. She earned her Ph. D. in Interdisciplinary Studies with an emphasis on Spirituality, Peace, and Transformational Leadership from The Union Institute and University.
Jackie has taught courses and/or workshops on peace and justice at Cardinal Stritch University, Marquette University, The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Edgewood College, The Union Institute College for Undergraduate Studies, the European Peace University, and the United Nations University for Peace.
Jackie has been nominated to more than twenty Who’s Who international biographies for her work in the field of peace and global awareness education, including Authors and Writers, Business and Professional Women, International Leaders, Women in Education, Women of the Americas, and Women of the World.

Daniel Di Domizio

Dan, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at Cardinal Stritch University, teaches courses on Faith and Justice, Theology of Church, Vatican II, and the Social Encyclicals. He also coordinates the Ecumenical Certificate Program in Urban Ministry. He previously taught at the Washington Theological Coalition in Washington, DC and Marian College in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
Dan has served on the Advisory Boards of the St. Benedict Community Meal Program and the Milwaukee Archdiocesan Committee for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations. He currently serves on the Committee for Interfaith Understanding of the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee. He is also a member of both the College Theology Society and the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality.
Dan’s published works include Religion in a Secularized Society: the Czech Experience (2004), which resulted from his teaching and research in the Czech Republic during the 1990’s. His has also published numerous articles in academic journals on topics related to justice, peace, and urban ministry.
Dan received his BA degree from St. Bonaventure University in New York, and hisDoctorate in Theology with an emphasis in historical theology and spirituality from the Institut Catholique de Paris.

Our Services
offers a variety of opportunities to explore peacemaking in our personal, public, and professional life. Peacemaking poses challenges for all who seek a more humane world for all people. Attitudes and values grounded on the ideals of peacemaking, and enhanced by knowledge and skills that stimulate creativity and cooperation, can lead to peaceful responses to conflict, and thus promote more peaceful and just relationships within the family, the community, and our world.
The Milwaukee Peace Education Resource Library, consisting of books and curricula materials on topics related to peace, justice, and global awareness education, is open for research and browsing by appointment only.

Jacqueline Haessly inspires and empowers women, men, and families to value peace in their families, their communities, and our world, and to promote, protect, and preserve a culture of peace for all peoples across the generations. Program offerings include Peacemaking for Families, Imaging Peace, Weaving a Culture of Peace, Peacemaking in the Classroom, Creative Playtime programs, Respect for Diversity, Soul Work: A Corporate Challenge, and Values for the Global Marketplace. A fuller description of our Peacemaking Programs follows, below.

Dan Di Domizio invites adults to join him in exploring perspectives on faith and social justice through any of three offerings: The Relevance of Vatican II for the Twenty-First Century, Dimensions of Catholic Social Teachings of the Past 120 Years, and Engaging in Interfaith Dialogue.

Dan Di Domizio and Jacqueline Haessly also offer one day and weekend retreats for adults on themes related to Family Spirituality, Couples Spirituality, and Active Contemplation.

Dan and Jackie, whose family consists of five adult children and a growing number of grandchildren, share in the love, tears, joy and laughter of busy family life.


Peacemaking For Families
Parents, educators, and children of all ages will discover effective ways to create a caring and cooperative environment where the attitudes, values and skills of peacemaking can be learned and practiced in the family, the classroom, and the community. Themes include 1) creating peaceful environments through affirmation, communication, respect for diversity, nurturing touch, and cooperative play; 2) identifying and resolving family and community conflicts peacefully; and 3) living gently and peacefully with others in the classroom, the community, and our world.
Imaging Peace: A Pedagogical Challenge
Participants will examine the role of the imagination in creating, promoting, protecting, and sustaining a culture of peace in their families, communities, and world.
Weaving A Culture Of Peace
Participants will explore seven strands — seven themes — important for weaving a culture of peace for all peoples of our world. These include the ability to value peace, to imagine peace, and to give name to our images and experiences in order to promote a culture of peace; to examine and develop systems and structures that can support a culture of peace; to establish and monitor policies and practices that can protect a culture of peace; to educate adults and children both about and for peace; and to engage in actions — alone and with others — needed to preserve and sustain a culture of peace.
Peacemaking in the Classroom
Educators and students will discover effective ways to create a caring and cooperative environment in the classroom where the attitudes, values and skills of peacemaking can be learned and practiced. Themes include 1) creating peaceful environments through affirmation, communication, respect for diversity, nurturing touch, and cooperative play; 2) identifying and resolving classroom and community conflicts peacefully; and 3) living peacefully and justly with others in the classroom, the community, and the world.
Peacemaking and Hope for the Future
Participants will explore the importance of identifying and naming signs of hope as they work for peace with justice in their communities and our world.

Intergenerational Cooperative Games Festivals
Bringing Adults and Children together for an hour or more of imaginative, cooperative play at family, religious, education, and business gatherings.
Creative Playtime Workshops
Participants will explore the role of play in their own lives; examine competitive and cooperative models of sports and play; and participate in a variety of quiet and active cooperation games for all ages.

Respect for Diversity
This two-part program combines theory, research, experiential activities, and group discussion as participants discover effective ways to identify examples of stereotyping and patterns of exclusion and learn effective techniques to counter these patterns in a variety of business, school, and community settings.

Part One: Uncovering The Subtle Curriculum
Participants will review a variety of print and visual media that too often communicates subtle yet powerful messages about difference in a society. Whether in children’s textbooks or other media, such an analysis reveals a “subtle curriculum” based on stereotyping and/or patterns of exclusion.
Part Two: Journey Toward Inclusion
Participants will discover steps that they can take to move beyond the boundaries and borders that separate people and toward a society that sees beacons of hope in diversity. Participants will learn how to counter the effects of the subtle curriculum in their schools and places of work, and in their communities in order to help build a society that honors, treasures, and celebrates diversity in our world.
Soul Work: A Corporate Challenge
Participants will examine the connection between spirituality and work; identify their own personal spiritual values as these relate to their vocational and professional life; examine ten expressions of spirituality evident within a workplace setting; and explore how personal values and one’s personal spirituality can be respected within a workplace setting in a manner that honors the workers and enhances the corporate environment for all who work there.

ON-SITE OFFERINGS for all who seek new ways to create peaceful environments through education, reflection and engagement in non-violent social action. On-site programs consist of keynotes and workshops and vary in length: 60 minutes; three-hour mini-workshops; and six- week education programs. CALL FOR PRICES.
ON-LINE OFFERINGS consist of coaching and consulting services and six-week workshops.
On-line Coaching
Available for individuals and for groups of five or more people who seek to integrate concepts of spirituality, peace, and transformational leadership through personal, professional, and public life choices.
On-line Consulting
Available for educators and for leaders in religious, business, and civic groups who seek to develop a peace focus in their own school, organization, or community setting.
On-line Classes
Available for groups of ten or more people on any of our education topics for leaders in education, business, religious, and community groups who seek to explore their attitudes and values, deepen their knowledge, develop skills, and engage in actions essential for creating a culture of peace for all peoples of the world.

For Further information, contact Jacqueline Haessly or Daniel Di Domizio
To schedule an event or to arrange for coaching, a consultation, or a workshop
For peace and transformational leadership

414-355-9450 or jlhpeace (at)


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