The Functions in Marketing Management

Marketing management involves choosing target markets that not only get new customers but also retain the existing ones. It is a business subject, which is based on research and study of practical applications of marketing techniques and management of the marketing resources. The one who excels in this field is known as marketing manager. The job of the marketing manager is to influence the timing and level of customer demand so as to help the sales. It actually depends on the size of the business and environment in the corporate industry. Like if he is working in a huge production company, he will be the general manager of a particular product category assigned to him and he will be responsible for profit and loss with respect to the product. And in small business there is no marketing manager as his job is taken over by the partners of the company. Creating and communicating best customer values can increase the number of customers. The steps taken and resources utilized t…
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Differences Between Marketing and Advertising

Marketing and Advertising, although they sound similar, in reality are not. Advertising is only a part of the bigger game called Marketing. Marketing encompasses complete conceptualization of a brand beginning with research, to designing to advertising to sale. Advertising, on the other hand is a component of the marketing process which is  conveying the message through a variety of mediums to promote the product. Advertising is one of the most important components of a marketing strategy and can also be the most expensive. Advertising constitutes sending the message through a variety of means - sharing about your company, product or services. It also constitutes behind the scenes work like the process involving formation of various strategies and coming up with a right one to target the viewers. The strategy consists of planning things like placing ads, deciding what media to use, what time, frequency etc. The advertisements are generally placed via ad channels like televis…
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How to Make Money before You Have Products to Sell

If you’ve decided that you want to work from home running your own business, you may need to have a form of income while you finish creating products and developing your business infrastructure. There are a number of ways in which you can bring in some income while you get your business off the ground. * Provide a Service – If you plan to make your own products and sell them, you likely have skills that other people will want to use. Try finding out if anyone needs the types of service you could offer. Perhaps you’re good at graphic design, database management, transcription, or something else entirely. Put it out there and people may buy your time. * Get a Part-Time Job – If you can’t wait for services to take off, you can get a part-time job. Sign up to be a substitute teacher or a temp at an agency, or head over to your nearest fast food place and you’re likely to be hired on the spot. * Get a Work-at-Home Job – There are also work-from-home jobs that you can get pr…
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