The Best Products Don’t SELL Themselves!

Just because you have the best product in the world doesn’t guarantee that you will be rich. If you have  been in business for a while, its likely you have heard the phrase: "build a better mousetrap, and the world will build a path to your doorstep." while it might still ring true, several decades ago, there really weren’t many products around. Yes it is true that there are inventions like the light bulb or the discovery of electricity, but there really wasn’t much competition for the Nobel Prize. Technology had not reached the stage where innovation and ingenuity was conceptualized as it is at today’s speed. When the term was coined, there weren’t a lot of ‘better’ mousetraps around. Today, better mousetraps are built on a daily basis. Just because you have a better product, doesn’t mean that the product will automatically sell itself and make you rich! Anything new or better was easily noticed by the masses because there wasn’t much competition. And people wer…
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