Fear of Failure, or Fear of Success?

Did you know that more people are afraid to succeed than they are to fail? There is one big reason for this, and it may surprise you when you learn about it. When people fail, they can find all kinds of reasons or excuses as to why they failed. Others will even chime in as to why the person failed. They will say things like, “it wasn’t meant to be.” Another common one is, “your heart wasn’t in it.” When people succeed, however. There are no excuses. The steps they took, worked. Perhaps it was a fluke that it worked. But what if it happens again? Then, there is no way out of it. Failure has an escape plan; success does not. The reason people are afraid of success is it forces them out of their comfort zone. They now have to solidify their game plan and continue on the successful path. They can no longer tell people it can’t be done because they did it. It’s proven. How do you overcome that fear of success? You plow through it. If you ever saw the movie Caddyshack, Ty…
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Small Business Success Secret

The real secret to small business success has nothing to do with technology tools, the internet or anything like that.  In fact, it isn’t even a real secret.  It has been around since man started to communicate. It’s WORDS! Words carry enormous power.  They can make you laugh hysterically, or destroy a relationship or friendship.  Words have more power in them than any other tool at your disposal. Effective use of words, especially in business, means skyrocketing sales, satisfied clients, happy employees, and a profitable and secure future.  Yet, less than 1% of small entrepreneur businesses use words with full power. The power of words can be learned and used effectively by anyone, and when this power is harnessed there’s nothing on this earth that can stop you.  This art of using words is what is called copy writing.  It makes or breaks your sales and advertising material. One of the ways an “amateur” copywriter who is writing for his own product or business can bea…
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How To be Successful at Small Business Bartering

Running a small business can be pricey. This is the main reason why businesses look to barter with each other and save money. Bartering comes in all forms and applies to many different aspects of the business – goods, services or even advice. Seeking out a business to barter with may not be as difficult as you may think. See below for some ideas on how to get your business started with bartering. Business bartering is trading goods or services with another business’ goods or services. The idea is to save money, yet gain the tools needed to run your business. Bartering is the exchange of items without forking out the cash. However, be aware that you are still expected to report to the IRS the value of the items which you have traded. If you find that your company is slow to grow or is not bringing in the cash flow needed to sustain, bartering may work out better for you. Bartering can help to preserve your company’s capital assets. If you find that you are moving inventory…
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Five Strategies to Quickly Get More Clients

More clients means more money, right? It also means more awareness and rapid company growth. However, it can be a challenge to ramp up your client list quickly. It takes a solid strategy and a proven plan. Here are five smart strategies to get more clients fast. #1 Partners! Partnerships can help you double your list overnight. Multiply your list and you multiply the number of opportunities you have to turn prospects into customers. And there are a number of ways you can make a partnership work for you. For example, you could promote a partner’s e-book or product on your website in exchange for them promoting your e-book, product or service on theirs. You could swap reviews or even exchange advertisements. However, one of the best ways to optimize a partnership is to cross-promote each other’s opt-in list and free giveaway. Then, when people sign up, you have permission to communicate and market to them. Have a product promotion ready to go and really capitalize o…
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Are You a Female Entrepreneur? 6 Things You Should Do Every Week

Being a female entrepreneur isn’t an easy job. Whether you’re a solopreneur or in charge of a team, you still end up juggling a million different jobs and constantly trying to outrun time.

It’s a career we’re all passionate about (you wouldn’t be an entrepreneur if you didn’t love what you do) but sometimes we’re so exhausted doing menial tasks that we forget the important things.

Without adding much more to your plate, here are six small but essential things you should be doing every week if you’re a female entrepreneur.

Recommended reading: Four New Year’s Resolutions Every Entrepreneur Should Set

Read a book: be prepared to learn 

Learning doesn’t stop just because you’ve made a bit of money. There are always opportunities to learn and grow, and as …

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