Storytelling – There’s Power in Words
“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world." ― Philip Pullman
[bctt tweet="Did you know that some of the most successful business owners and copywriters are exceptional storytellers? Advertising executives know this too. Story-telling is one of the most effective ways to influence a prospect." via="no"]
What is Storytelling?
Storytelling is the tactic of creating an image about your company. Officially, storytelling is “the conveying of events in words, images and sounds often by improvisation or embellishment.”
In the world of marketing, storytelling offers a number of advantages and opportunities.
1. Storytelling establishes a brand. Many of the world’s most popular brands were built on stories. Ford Motor Company for example, was built and still thrives on the story of Henry Ford. Think about the other stories that are connected to brands. They don’t just have to be about the founder of the company either. Man…
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