No two workdays are the same, most of the time. There are many days where merely showing up to work seems like that is the best you’ll do. Showing up and doing your best work on the daily is what will ultimately set you apart and make you feel like a more productive member of the organization.
Set Clear MilestonesYou have a project to complete. Instead of working endlessly toward that one end goal, set mini-goals or milestones for yourself. If you can meet a milestone every or every other day, it will be easier to keep your head up and pushing forward with the same vigor as day one.
Prioritize and PlanMany jobs include prioritizing work tasks. Take time at the beginning and end of every day to look at what you have done and what you need to do. Prioritizing and planning your workday (or the next one) will allow you to move seamlessly through your day without losing focus.
Conquer Difficult Tasks FirstThat one task you are really dre…