5 Reasons to Submit your Free Promotion to Her Business Directory Listings
Taking Action – Ten Steps to Move Forward
This is the third article in our series on Taking Action...
Procrastination versus Effective Action
We all know that in order to be successful, we must take action. It’s simple, right? Then why is it so hard to do? Often it's because the tasks are boring or difficult, or something we just don't want to do. So, how do we overcome this? The problem is that denial won't cause the task to go away. Procrastination won’t make it any easier; in fact, it will make it harder. So what do we do?
Here are a few ideas that can help:
1. Take a look at your thinking. If your mind is full of negative thoughts, you will start to believe that the task is impossible and that it's okay to give up, put it off, or leave it unfinished. Instead of thinking, “I can't do this,” tell yourself, “I will get this done now.”
2. Get to know when you're peak performance time is. Regardless of how you…
Web Directories – Free Versus Paid
"You could spend thousands on your website hoping for business. But until someone links to it, your site might as well be invisible, because it will be an uphill battle to get ranked in the search engines." Heidi Richards Mooney Listing your web site in online directories have numerous benefits. Informative decisions must be made when choosing between submitting a site to a paid or free web directory. Whatever your choice, ensure that your website conforms to all required norms: complete, detailed, user friendly, and distinctive. The options are many and stem from two main categories: free directories and paid directories. A free directory can be a great way of getting back links. Your site will likely get listed on a PR3 or PR4 page. With most directories, your site could get listed within a few days or it could take a month or more. And because they are free sites, its possible that your listing never shows …